Big Ben

Big Ben

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Presentation and Harry Potter Walk

I practiced quite a bit last night for my presentation and it definitely paid off.  When it came to our turn I wasn't even nervous. I did quite well and didn't really make any mistakes. From other classes where we had to present I've learned that actually standing in my room with my note cards and going through the presentation out loud over and over is the only way to get comfortable with it. And working on not saying "um". While watching some of the others group present though I was able to pick out some things they could of done better. A big thing you should never do is say that you don't want to be boring, it's one of those obvious things that no one wants to do and pointing it out usually ends up in a boring presentation anyway. It was interesting because I could tell which of my classmates haven't really done many presentations before just from small things being wrong on the slide or how they presented the information. It was a learning experience if anything. And now I just have to write a one page reflection paper and take a test on Thursday and I'm done.

After class I ended up coming back to my room and just napping for awhile. It was hot (for here) again today. About 5pm I got up and ate some dinner and then headed off to King's Cross where we were meeting for the Harry Potter Walk.

The walk was pretty cool and it will be interesting to watch the movies again and be able to point things out and know where the different places are. Our tour guide was pretty cool. She pointed out other random things about various things we walked by such as information about London Bridge and how the bridge today is not in the actual location of the original one, but beside it because at the time it was the only bridge and when the decided to fix it then just built a new one beside it so they didn't have to close it down. Also the statue that was built was constructed in the late 1600's and is the only free standing monument that tall. It is 202 feet because it is located 202 feet from where the fire started. Overall it was a great way to end our walking tours and I look forward to our last events on Thursday with Westminster and Friday with API, both farewell events.

Tomorrow I plan on packing so hopefully all goes well I am I able to make everything fit!

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