Big Ben

Big Ben

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Gotta love the Rain...

I believe it has now rained 6 days in a row, I’ve managed to miss most of it though.

Today was the actual first day of learning in class. I think it will be a pretty good class. We started off by partnering up and I was the one who had to draw and I could do was listen. The girl I was paired up with could see the board and the picture our teacher drew and she had to describe it to me and I had to draw it. She couldn’t say yes or no or motion to help me, all she could do was describe which made it difficult, some people seemed to have to issues just following directions. But there was only one detailed I interpreted wrong, so I did pretty good. It was basically a bunch of random shapes. It was a good exercise to show one way communication and how challenging it can be.

Then we made a mind map (bubble map) for communication. In many classes I’ve taken already we’ve went over this kind of stuff so I had a good idea of what to put and the guy next to me that I was working with was just impressed with how much I knew for some reason. He thought it was my major. Then we got to take a break.

After returning we went through the powerpoint which was mostly like basics of how the assignments will go such as reports and referencing and things like that. We also went over creating maps for various things in our lives/academics to help us see our path. Good information but I wasn’t completely sure how it related. Then towards the end we got in groups of 4 and had debates so we got a taste for what we would do a couple times during this course.
My group was for-Facebook and we ended up having a pretty good debate against the other people. It was a lot of fun and I think this class will be pretty enjoyable.

Following class I wondering around on Oxford street just looking at the different stores. Then it started to kind of mist so I just decided to head back. But when I got to Oxford Circus tube station there were a lot of cops and firemen down there so I kinda listened to them and the workers talk to figure out what happened and if it would be a good idea or not to go on the tube. Apparently on one of the lines there was a signal failure at one of the stops so they shut the whole line down and then two lines were effected also and they delayed those lines. Luckily, it had no effect on my line so I was fine. I managed to make it back. Then as soon as I got to my room it started to rain, so I just barely made it.

Then I hung out in my room for a bit and ate dinner and then headed out for the James Bond walk which was pretty cool, it did manage to rain twice throughout the walk, but it’s London. I learned quite a bit about James Bond and how many of the characters were based on real people in Ian Fleming’s life.  
 Hotel Ian Fleming enjoyed drinking at, Dukes Hotel

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