Big Ben

Big Ben

Monday, July 18, 2011

Nothing like writing a paper

Sorry about the lack of updating with the current happenings, the paper I had due for class kinda took up a lot of time and then I decided to just take a break because of the next class starting Monday. But I’ll get everyone caught up!

Tuesday was not a super exciting day by any means. I went to class and everything was normal. After class I went back to my room and worked on my paper until about 6 and then went to meet up with the group for the Jack the Ripper walk. The walk was pretty cool itself. I did learn quite a bit of info about it. There were 5 murders that they can tie back to him, but the thing is that they never have been able to prove exactly who he is. Then upon returning I went back to work on my paper. Altogether, it ended up at 21 pages to give you an idea. 

After the walk I returned to my room and worked on my paper. 

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