Big Ben

Big Ben

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Last day of class for the week, and it's only Wednesday!

For being the last day of class for the week, it seemed to drag on forever. We went over the parts of a report, and after the first class and having to write a report I was well aware of them. Although we ended class with that, class did start off well. We did an NASA activity about being stranded on the moon and we had to make a 200 mile trek to the place we needed to be. We had a list of 15 things and we had to put them in order of importance. First by ourselves then in a group of four. The point of the activity lead to the first lecture about negotiation and persuasion, which I seem to do quite well. For the most part I was able to persuade the group toward my answers. Some of them were more like common sense and I could tell other people in the class lacked it because after doing it in the group for the first time our teacher gave us 10 clues, or information points and then we could alter our answer, we changed one. For us it was nice because we were done quickly and this whole activity managed to take an hour. One I thought was a no brainer that stumped some of the other groups, matches, they would be the least important because they would be useless on the moon and some people had them pretty high ranked. Also having the water and food supply at the top, and the map just seemed to be what made sense and some other groups did not have that.

So then after the activity we went through two lectures and then were done for the week. After class I headed back to my room and made some lunch and then head for the Natural Science Museum.

Ford Model T

The museum was huge. There were 5 floors of different exhibits to go through and I went through them all. It took me roughly about 2 hours. My legs were tired by the end of it. I did get to see some cool things. They had things like technology through the ages, medical advances, space, math and computers. Other than the mass of people there I did enjoy seeing everything and tried to take a lot of pictures. By the end of it I was worn out and when I managed to make it to the 5th floor, last exhibit there was a boy, about 4 years that said "mom" every 5 seconds (I kid you not) and the mom let it continue the entire time through the exhibit. Needless to say, I tried to hurry through it because it was starting to annoy me. I was amazed the mom didn't do anything about it either. The part that really got me was then I had to walk in front of the kid to get out of the exhibit and he was sitting in  a stroller and he actually deliberately tired to kick me. I really wanted to ask the mom what she thinks he is going to be like in about 10 years, but my patient level was shot so I just left. Of course I headed home during rush hour so there were masses of people in the tube but I managed. After getting back I Skyped with mom for a bit and then did some work to get ready to work on a group presentation in the morning.

Next week, my final week, will probably be a bit hectic with trying to pack and prepare to go home, but I have a presentation on Tuesday, test on Wednesday, and a one page reflective paper due on Thursday. I will be glad for Saturday. Probably one of the most amusing things to me is the time change. Saturday I leave London around 3pm and arrive in Chicago around 6pm, but will probably be in the air about 6 or 7 hours. But that's next week. 

Tomorrow we will be working on our presentation and then tomorrow night we are going on an Olympic walk with API, we get to see the Olympic sights I believe. I'm excited!

Also, I updated my route and completed it with pictures of what it looks like then from the tube station to the campus where I have my classes. Enjoy!

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